Our Crew
Introducing to Our Feline Fanatics
Rescued Ragdoll
Mario is our big handsome boy. His beautiful blue eyes sometimes look crossed but he is still a smart cookie!
He is our resident "meower", when he wants attention he is sure to let you know with his loud meows, sometimes it's too loud you can hear it from the other room!
Rescued Pursian
Maomao is our "grumpy" cat, his flat face makes him a very messy eater. He is definitely the boss around here, he really likes to be pet, but will show the other cats who is the boss if necessary!

American Curl from breeder
Whisky is a playful kitty, he is clingy sometimes and would lie on the table for pets and attention, but be careful, he is always desperate for treats! Whenever it's treat time for the cats, he will use his paws to grab you and eat all the treats himself!

​Adopted Bengal
Doupi is a girl leopard, her fur is so silky and luminous under sunshine. She loves being spoiled with treats. Although she is a descendant of the larger cat family, Doupi can be a bit clumsy when climbing. She has the most stunning green eyes that compliment her orange coat.

Mini is a unique cat, to say the least. From her curled tail to her high-pitched squeal of a meow, she will brighten up anyone's day. Her daily mission is to roam around the cafe, find a target, and start to nibble on their fingers!

British Shorthair
Captain is one of our chubbiest cat, you could often see him lying down on top of our cat tree, we think it is because he is too lazy to move around too much!
Captain was born with a bad right eye, he had to get his eyeball removed, but do not worry, he is as healthy as he can be now!